Welcome to Language Link Tutoring
Since 2007, we have provided a quality service to clients
with customised French language programmes
for children (year 7+) and adults of all levels.
Contact us today to learn more about our tutoring service.
Let your language learning journey begin...

Our teachers are native-speakers, graduates and registered with the Queensland College of Teachers with experience in language teaching, curriculum, assessments and learning styles.
One-to-One Tuition:
This option would suit students (high schoolers to adults) wishing to fast-track their progress with a specific goal or timeframe in mind (academic, business, upcoming travel). Individual tuition also provides more flexible tuition times to suit your schedule.
Group Tuition:
This option would suit students wishing to follow a more general course structure, within a social context.
In a small group setting of no more than 6 students, a variety of teaching / learning methods are used to improve your confidence in real situations by developing the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.
French Courses
Course Methods
Speaking and Listening are the two inherent activities of communication. We emphasise communicative teaching methods to enable you to utilise your language skills in everyday, real situations.
Reading, Writing and Grammar are important aspects of the course, along with familiarisation with French idioms and colloquialisms.
Learning and improving a language require, on the one hand, personal involvement and on the other, skilled, specialised teachers to facilitate communication and participation. Our aim is to develop confidence within a supportive and relaxed framework.
Methods used include coursebooks, multi-media (videos, songs, interactive digital tasks), articles, games and cultural elements such as traditions/customs. Coursebooks are not included in the course fees, however the centre provides all additional learning materials.